1. What is the difference between a Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist (CPMT) and  a regular massage therapist or physical therapist?

A CPMT has been specifically trained to provide massage therapy for children with special healthcare needs and children who are hospitalized and have been diagnosed with with a terminal illness in hospice care.

2. Where will my massage session take place?

Your massage will most likely take place in our massage room at Riverview Counseling Center, however, we have programs in place to bring therapy on-site.

3. What do kids wear during the massage?

Kids should wear loose clothing.  Depending on the age and type of massage, most areas of massage take place over the clothes.  However, this is dictated by your child’s needs and level of comfortability.  We follow specific guidelines when performing our pediatric massage – the parents remain in the room and the children are frequently informed of the areas of the body to be massaged. The massage will not continue if there is any level of uncomfortability from either parent or child.

4. Are there different types of pediatric massage?

Absolutely.  Every kid is unique.  There is not  a “one massage fits all” approach when it comes to kids.  Each client is treated according to their needs which are addressed before hand and discussed with the parents(s).

5. How long is a pediatric massage?

It depends on age and comfortability.  Mom and Me Massages geared for children 9 and under are 20 to 30 minutes.  An older child, say in their teen years, may receive up to an hour depending on the type of massage being received.

6. How much does it cost?

Our rate is $45 for a 30 minute massage and $80 for a full hour.  There are discounts for buying sets of 10 or 20 massages.  Our on-site programs vary and we have a great referral plan!

7. I’ve never heard of pediatric massage – is it really helpful?

Massage therapy for children is not intended to replace other forms of treatment.  As an adjunct therapy, massage has benefits in the skeletal, muscular, digestive, circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems. Pediatric massage is currently taking place as part of overall treatment in hospitals such as the Mayo Clinic, St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital and Nationwide Children’s Hospital (just to name a few).

8. My child can be difficult – what if he or she doesn’t want one?

If your child is adamant about not getting a massage then they won’t get one.  It’s pretty simple.  Your child has the final say in receiving a massage and what parts of the body get massaged.  Once a massage has begun, if the child decides he/she wants the massage to end, the massage will end.

9.  What is the difference between infant/child/pediatric/adolescent?

There are different answers to this question as there are differing opinions.  Generally, infants are from newborn until they can walk (between 1 and 2).  Once a child can walk they are considered toddlers.  From the time they are toddlers until puberty is when they are considered children.  From the age of 10-13 children hit puberty and are now in their adolescent years until age 19.  Pediatrics is the range of years from infancy through the end of adolescents.

10. Do you accept health insurance?

We do not currently accept insurance.  If your healthcare accepts massage therapy as a form of treatment we can provide you with paperwork to submit directly to your insurance company.